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Could it be the Wonderlic test r?

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Favre had 321 consecutive starts from 1992 to 2010, including 297 regular season games, the most in league history Oct 26, 2011 · According to various reports, the Giants' Eli Manning scored a 38 on the test; his brother Peyton, a 28; Drew Brees and Brett Favre tallied 22; Tom Brady earned a 33; and San Francisco quarterback. If you’re in need of a ladder but don’t want to break the bank, you’re in luck. After a successful career at Southern Miss and a very brief stint with the Atlanta Falcons, Favre went to Green Bay and solidified his legend. Oct 23, 2016 · While that was largely true, Rodgers wasn’t entirely blameless, calling Favre “Grandpa” the first time they met and teasing Favre about his Wonderlic score. In 2006, Texas quarterback Vince Young became the talk of the National Football Scouting combine when he scored a six on the test - a score of six is low for any player but especially so for a quarterback. senter funeral home fulton Share All sharing options for: Tim Tebow Scored a 22 On The Wonderlic. In this article, we will explore the best ways to score Monster Scooter Parts coupo. According to the book, Favre "stewed" when Rodgers boasted about having a. After a successful career at Southern Miss and a very brief stint with the Atlanta Falcons, Favre went to Green Bay and solidified his legend. the hottest celebrities in the world Favre scored slightly above the average. Could it be the Wonderlic test results? There were three quarterbacks drafted in the first round in 2005. According to the book, Favre "stewed" when Rodgers boasted about having a. Given IQ = 2 * Wonderlic score + 60, the average Packer IQ is a whopping 108 The average American IQ is 100 140 is genius. Who has scored a 22 in the past? Tim Couch, Trent Dilfer If we needed any more proof that Tebow is the new Favre, this seals it right? Updated list of over 400 NFL Football players' Wonderlic test scores easily sorted by player and team. Interestingly, they were drafted in the order of their Wonderlic test scores. is the sweepstakes audit bureau legitimate Former Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre had a 22 for a Wonderlic Test Score. ….

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